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Senator Edward M.
Delivered on the Floor of the US Senate
Monday, 7 October,
We face no more serious decision in our democracy
than whether or not to go to war. The American people deserve to fully
understand all of the implications of such a decision.
The question of whether our nation should attack Iraq
is playing out in the context of a more fundamental debate that is only just
beginning -- an all-important debate about how, when and where in the years
ahead our country will use its unsurpassed military might.
On September 20, the Administration unveiled its new
National Security Strategy. This document addresses the new realities of our
age, particularly the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorist
networks armed with the agendas of fanatics. The Strategy claims that these new
threats are so novel and so dangerous that we should "not hesitate to act
alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting
But in the discussion over the past few months about
Iraq, the Administration, often uses the terms "pre-emptive" and
"preventive" interchangeably. In the realm of international
relations, these two terms have long had very different meanings.
Traditionally, "pre-emptive" action refers
to times when states react to an imminent threat of attack. For example, when
Egyptian and Syrian forces mobilized on Israel's borders in 1967, the threat
was obvious and immediate, and Israel felt justified in pre-emptively attacking
those forces. The global community is generally tolerant of such actions, since
no nation should have to suffer a certain first strike before it has the
legitimacy to respond.
By contrast, "preventive" military action
refers to strikes that target a country before it has developed a capability
that could someday become threatening. Preventive attacks have generally been
condemned. For example, the 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was regarded as a
preventive strike by Japan, because the Japanese were seeking to block a
planned military buildup by the United States in the Pacific.
The coldly premeditated nature of preventive attacks
and preventive wars makes them anathema to well-established international
principles against aggression. Pearl Harbor has been rightfully recorded in
history as an act of dishonorable treachery.
Historically, the United States has condemned the
idea of preventive war, because it violates basic international rules against
aggression. But at times in our history, preventive war has been seriously
advocated as a policy option.
In the early days of the Cold War, some U.S. military
and civilian experts advocated a preventive war against the Soviet Union. They
proposed a devastating first strike to prevent the Soviet Union from developing
a threatening nuclear capability. At the time, they said the uniquely
destructive power of nuclear weapons required us to rethink traditional
international rules.
The first round of that debate ended in 1950, when
President Truman ruled out a preventive strike, stating that such actions were
not consistent with our American tradition. He said, "You don't 'prevent'
anything by war...except peace." Instead of a surprise first strike, the
nation dedicated itself to the strategy of deterrence and containment, which
successfully kept the peace during the long and frequently difficult years of
the Cold War.
Arguments for preventive war resurfaced again when
the Eisenhower Administration took power in 1953, but President Eisenhower and
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles soon decided firmly against it. President
Eisenhower emphasized that even if we were to win such a war, we would face the
vast burdens of occupation and reconstruction that would come with it.
The argument that the United States should take preventive
military action, in the absence of an imminent attack, resurfaced in 1962, when
we learned that the Soviet Union would soon have the ability to launch missiles
from Cuba against our country. Many military officers urged President Kennedy
to approve a preventive attack to destroy this capability before it became
operational. Robert Kennedy, like Harry Truman, felt that this kind of first
strike was not consistent with American values. He said that a proposed
surprise first strike against Cuba would be a "Pearl Harbor in reverse.
"For 175 years," he said, "we have not been that kind of
country." That view prevailed. A middle ground was found and peace was
Yet another round of debate followed the Cuban
Missile Crisis when American strategists and voices in and out of the
Administration advocated preventive war against China to forestall its
acquisition of nuclear weapons. Many arguments heard today about Iraq were made
then about the Chinese communist government: that its leadership was irrational
and that it was therefore undeterrable. And once again, those arguments were
As these earlier cases show, American strategic
thinkers have long debated the relative merits of preventive and pre-emptive
war. Although nobody would deny our right to pre-emptively block an imminent
attack on our territory, there is disagreement about our right to preventively
engage in war.
In each of these cases a way was found to deter other
nations, without waging war.
Now, the Bush Administration says we must take
pre-emptive action against Iraq. But what the Administration is really calling
for is preventive war, which flies in the face of international rules of
acceptable behavior. The Administration's new National Security Strategy states
"As a matter of common sense and self-defense, America will act against
such emerging threats before they are fully formed."
The circumstances of today's world require us to
rethink this concept. The world changed on September 11th, and all of us have
learned that it can be a drastically more dangerous place. The Bush
Administration's new National Security Strategy asserts that global realities
now legitimize preventive war and make it a strategic necessity.
The document openly contemplates preventive attacks
against groups or states, even absent the threat of imminent attack. It
legitimizes this kind of first strike option, and it elevates it to the status
of a core security doctrine. Disregarding norms of international behavior, the
Bush Strategy asserts that the United States should be exempt from the rules we
expect other nations to obey.
I strongly oppose any such extreme doctrine and I'm
sure that many others do as well. Earlier generations of Americans rejected
preventive war on the grounds of both morality and practicality, and our
generation must do so as well. We can deal with Iraq without resorting to this
It is impossible to justify any such double standard
under international law. Might does not make right. America cannot write its
own rules for the modern world. To attempt to do so would be unilateralism run
amok. It would antagonize our closest allies, whose support we need to fight
terrorism, prevent global warming, and deal with many other dangers that affect
all nations and require international cooperation. It would deprive America of
the moral legitimacy necessary to promote our values abroad. And it would give
other nations -- from Russia to India to Pakistan -- an excuse to violate
fundamental principles of civilized international behavior.
The Administration's doctrine is a call for 21st
century American imperialism that no other nation can or should accept. It is
the antithesis of all that America has worked so hard to achieve in
international relations since the end of World War II.
This is not just an academic debate. There are
important real world consequences. A shift in our policy toward preventive war
would reinforce the perception of America as a "bully" in the Middle
East, and would fuel anti-American sentiment throughout the Islamic world and
It would also send a signal to governments the world
over that the rules of aggression have changed for them too, which could
increase the risk of conflict between countries such as Russia and Georgia,
India and Pakistan, and China and Taiwan.
Obviously, this debate is only just beginning on the
Administration's new strategy for national security. But the debate is solidly
grounded in American values and history.
It will also be a debate among vast numbers of well-meaning Americans who have honest differences of opinion about the best way to use U.S. military might. The debate will be contentious, but the stakes - in terms of both our national security and our allegiance to our core beliefs - are too high to ignore. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues in Congress to develop an effective and principled policy that will enable us to protect our national security and respect the basic principles that are essential for the world to be at peace.
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