Drug Policy Racist?
Blacks in this country are 5 times more likely to be locked up that a black in South Africa at the height of Apartheid.
When a black American Citizen is addicted to drugs they go to jail. If they are white, they go to Betty Ford. Does prison really solve social problems more than treatment programs, education or other remedies?
Does the evil of these drugs somehow merit the laws and judgements being passed? Alcohol is a drug, but because it is socially acceptable, we don’t lock people up. Yet it presents a greater danger than any drug on the market. America repealed prohibition for a reason--to keep people out of jail, to allow the government to regulate alcohol, and to help diminish crime. Yet illegal drugs don’t even come close to the damage and death created by alcohol. In fact, casual drugs, like marijuana have been showed to have zero deaths.
"Indeed, epidemiological
data indicate that in the general population
marijuana use is not associated with increased
Source: Janet
E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr., and John A Benson,
Jr., "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science
Base," Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral
Research, Institute of Medicine (Washington, DC:
National Academy Press, 1999), p. 109.
Here are the facts. Read the
following statistics of annual deaths in America and
consider the real reason these laws are in place and
what races they target:
Source: drugwarfacts.com
Shame on the Obama administration
Once you see the real video, you see clearly that Ms. Sharrod was giving a talk about her conversion to realizing that her negative feelings she had been raised with about whites were wrong. FOX NEWS also claimed that the statements were current and yet, they were made 25 years ago when she did not work for the government. In the video, she speaks of her struggle to help a white farmer and his wife save their farm. CNN interviewed the coulple, who give credid to Ms. Sharrod for having saved their farm. For her, this story was a turning point in her understanding of helping the poor and not just blacks. But FOX NEWS played none of this part of the speech, but only the part where she was admitting her feelings and the struggle she was having before she made the right decision. This skillful lie, by FOX and its cronies, is just one of a list of many news stories that FOX had chosen to blatantly lie about.
Remember Jane Akre? Fox NEWS admitted that they told her to lie on television, when she refused, she was fired. Although winning the first court case against FOX, FOX won on appeal being told they had the right to lie on television. Jane Akre's case was thrown out because lying didn't meet the threshold of whistle-blowing laws. In other words, any news organization can ask their people to lie to preserve advertising profit. See more about Jane Akre here:
To read more on the exposing of FOX's prevarication, click here and watch the broadcast of from the 20th of July, 2010 for Rachel Maddow.
To see more about the Acorn lies and exposé, see the two part youtube video here:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0B0wxt3XYc
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKx-Yvz3iJ8
If anyone is interested in truth, they need to understand that the "free press" is a novel idea, but it doesn't exist in the U.S. in any mainstream form. As long as corporations control the media, profits will control the information you get. If you want a proven pattern of the lies of FOX and those that are featured on FOX, read the above articles, watch the videos above, then truly decide for yourself. In the mean time, perhaps the Obama administration will learn to stop falling for these shameful Republican tricks.
New Torture Interpretation
The article expounds on the Bush administrations new interpretation on torture that:
"...as long as the intent of the abuse is to gather intelligence or to prevent future attacks, and the abuse is not 'done for the purpose of humiliating or degrading the individual' -- even if that is an inevitable consequence -- the president has given the CIA carte blanche to engage in 'willful and outrageous acts of personal abuse.'"
Of course the principle purpose of the Geneva conventions was exactly the opposite--that "gathering intelligence" or "trying to get information out of someone" was not to be done through torture. Thus Bush takes another step, (one of many) that is leading us into totalitarianism and the ultimate destruction of any moral high ground we may have left.
We have already lost all credibility with the rest of the world regarding this issue when it was exposed that we were exporting torture to other countries. In other words, in order to save face and torture anyway, we would outsource our torture to other countries that didn't have any qualms about torturing prisoners.
Read the article "Outsourcing Torture" here:
Or read here:
Or here:
It seems that for our administration, torture has lost its thrill in being outsourced and now wants to experience the excitement of torture for itself. What better way than to utterly corrupt the intentions of the Geneva Convention.
To read some more about the evolutions and convolutions of the President's policies in this Matter, read statements by President Bush and responses to those statements by Human Rights First: